
One of my favorite poems that I wrote awhile ago. Just wanted to reshare. I wrote this after my “Uncle Daddy” period. It makes me smile whenever I read it. Hope it brings a little joy to anyone else that may be going through something.

Flames covering the body, swallowing it whole. Leaving nothing behind, engulfing like coal. In agonizing pain, “please let it end!” Begging of you, pleading, this pain to send. Can’t handle it anymore, can this be over? Soon, there was nothing left, the end of the loner.

Rising from the ashes, the newest beacon of hope. Appearing through the struggle, and able to cope. Existing and shifting. Radiating and collating. The Phoenix- a new visionary, unlike the ordinary. Reborn from the Heavens and Elysian Fields. A state of peace, soul being healed.

More confidence than ever, an entire world to explore. Going to live this life, and learn new lores! A feeling of Nirvana, with profound peace and love. Exuberating waves of happiness, a powerful new dove.


Blending its way around my sight. It’s hiding, not wanting to be found, and not being visible. It’s a chameleon. Able to fit in the visual of those who come about. It knows that the sight can play tricks. It will play tricks. It will slay quick. It already has it’s eyes on a prize. Don’t freeze, don’t attack, just step back! Don’t tease, don’t slack, or become a snack..

One look and it’ll have you cold as stone. Second look will send chills down your bones.

The snake, it’s waiting for the broken. It can come in many different forms, so keep your third eye open.






Happy New Year!

A new year and another decade are here! Cheers and blessings to everyone for new journeys with more adventures!

To keep the tradition going, I wanted to share my New Year’s resolutions:

  • Start reading one to two books per week.
  • Finish the book that I’m writing.
  • Focus more on developing my inner peace as I step into my 30’s.
    Actually write down my resolutions! βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ

One down. Woot, woot! πŸ‘πŸ½β€οΈπŸ˜‚

What are some of your resolutions? 😊

Fallen Angel

You might’ve fallen and almost given up. Yet, you didn’t. You held it down, and risen after every burial.

Facing the biggest challenges of your life. Looking at new obstacles with unforeseen sight. Unprepared and unknowing. Not ready, or not knowing..

Allowing what needs to be done. Allowing what wants to come.

Longing for divine. Longing for the sign.

Looking for comedy. Looking for philosophy.

Evolving from guidance. Evolving from science.

New flow to match the glow of your soul. New sight to compliment the height of your light.

Fallen, yet your wings continue to grow.


How do you know if what you’re pushing is right, when you’re running on a line that’s pulling life?

The push of the light, pulls thy sight; though, there are many lights. Many options.

You can push down the dark funnel, but which light tunnel to pull through?

Maybe I should push through them all, though time could pull a different call.

The push and pull effect. The blue or red pill project.

Which calls should be pushed, when the only options don’t pull?